Monday, February 13, 2012

V.Beckham on NY fashion week

Victoria worked it. Many people were in doubt about her designing skills but she blown us away!
Her hubby and Anna Vintoure were sitting together while during her NY fashion show. She realised its enough to be just classy so new line was just as that.
Military chic, knee dresses, thats what we mostly saw. Although its classy models, criticians said there was nothing borring in it. I agree :)
Iako su mnogi sumnjali u njene dizajnerske vestine, Viktorija je ovaj put pokazala koliko je dobra. Ozoglasena Ana Vintur je sedela odmah do Dejvida Bekama, naravno u prvom redu, dok su pistom setali modeli noseci klasicne modele.
Military chic, haljine duzine oko kolena, to je ono sto je preovladavalo na reviji. Iako su svi modeli bili klasicni, kriticari su se slozili da u njima nije bilo nicega dosadno. Meni se dopadaju :)


  1. Ok, so I love wearing warm leggings with boots.

  2. Love that collection, she really is a good designer!
